Monday, October 31, 2011


AND....The party its not over,thank God!!!! Halloween is going pretty well,Saturday night,was amazing hear people scream HELLOOO MARIE ANTTOINETE and they recognized the costume,it was awesome! so tonight my Fancy people are doing a cool,chic party l was not sure about it,but l never say no to any party,cause as you know,life its short,God l hate to say that,but its true ;/ so l never repeat any costume(at least at the same year)l diced to be Ms.Marilyn Monroe.Have to honest,l was already her in NYC 2 years ago,l wore the pink long dress(girls love diamond) this year will be simple,not too much..l`am also really excited for her movie "my week with Marilyn,with Michelle Williams open this week as Marie Antoinette,Marilyn was beautiful,full of life and with a terrible end...well its Halloween people,Lets have celebrate! Cheers

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