Sunday, April 30, 2017

America’s Top Dog Model 2017

Fashion on Rock has a passion for animals as well as fashion. That’s why I agreed to be a judge last weekend at the 2 casting call in Palm Beach, FL.

Each year, the organization, produced by fashion designer/ stylist Jojo Harder, hosts the contest to celebrate the bond we share with our canine companions.

This year‘s theme is “celebrate the world.” Eleven finalists chosen will be featured in next year’s Americans Top Dog Model calendar.

As a judge, it was my pleasure to see so many pooches dressed to the nines with their happy families. It was tough to pick my favorites out of pack, but it was a wonderful experience being a part of the contest, which Jojo has been hosting for 13 marvelous years.

If you have you would like to learn more, visit their website at
Photo by Mingo Orlando

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