Friday, September 11, 2015

Karolina Korkuva at New York Fashion Week

It’s September and the Spring/Summer2016 season of Fashion Week in New York City is off to a runway start. Among the many repeat designers and NYFW main-stays was Desigual, a unique, energy driven, and colorful Barcelona-based fashion house. Desigual, well known for its colorful designs and bold looks might be better known in the runway-world for its high energy shows and celebrity guests. Among the many celebrities and models in attendance this year was super model Karolina Korkuva. Fashion On Rock has an opportunity to speak with the soon-to-be mother about her fears, her love of fashion and her favorite ice cream flavor.

FoR: Karolina, may we have a moment of your time?

KK: Of course!

FoR: Thank you so much for taking the time, and might we say that you look amazing, it’s so good to see you here.

KK: Thank you!

FoR: How are you enjoying this fashion season? What’s your favorite aspect of it?

KK: I am absolutely loving it. When I started, well now, it’s a production…it’s a huge production. Now it’s more than just our fashion history, now it’s just the whole world looking at it…

FoR: Right, it’s a way of life for fashion, almost like a philosophy…

KK: Yeah, it’s not just our little history that’s part of fashion week, it’s really…it’s a global thing where people from all different kinds of industries are looking at it and being part of it. So, it’s kind of interesting to be part of it and to meet people from all different parts of the world participating and coming together.

FoR: What is your biggest fear?

KK: My fear? Oh…Right now my biggest fear is losing my son. It’s all I’m focused on right now is being a mother, and I can’t imagine losing my baby.

FoR: Oh wow! I would say that is a very significant fear, but I would also say that you will make an amazing mother and you have a great energy.

KK: Thank you.

FoR: One last question, what is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

KK: [laughs] My favorite flavor of ice-cream? Wow! Coconut…

FoR: Coconut?

KK: Yes, Coconut [laughs] that’s my favorite flavor of ice cream.

FoR: Karolina, thank you so much for your time. Best of luck this season. Congratulations to you.

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