Monday, August 31, 2015

VISION!!!! AS Diana Vreeland Always asked! Have Vision People!!

MARVELOUS Diana Vreeland‘s most memorable images back in her time as fashion editor of Harper’s Bazaar. To inspire you and your loves one. Along with the images we chose #5 Vreeland quotes and l'm sure, you will never forget!

#01“You gotta have style. It helps you get down the stairs. It helps you get up in the morning. It’s a way of life. Without it, you’re nobody.”
“The best time to leave a party is when the party’s just beginning. There’s no drink that kills except the drink that you didn’t want to take, as the saying goes, and there’s no hour that kills except the hour you stayed after you wanted to go home.”

#3“Still, my dream in life is to come home and think of absolutely nothing. After all, you can’t think all the time.”

#4“Why don’t you…Rinse your blond child’s hair in dead champagne to keep it gold, as they do in France?”
#5Find one dress that you like and have it copied many times? You will be much more successful than if you try to produce the same effects each evening.DIANA-07-620x834

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