Sunday, August 5, 2012

Goodbye Pretty Girl* or should l say...Welcome back;)

Marilyn Monroe died 50 years ago on Aug. 5, 1962, at age 36. Timed to the anniversary of her death. In a intensely private ceremony on August 8, 1962, she was interred in a crypt in the vast Westwood Village M.Park in L.A. Flowers would adorn that crypt for a score or more years, because DiMaggio had so promised. Joe kept his promises* Dear Ms. Monroe,I can’t believe it’s being 50 years sense you be gone. What a waste of time, you being missing the fun girl! I almost finished read about your life and Wow you kissed more frogs than l did lol but you did have fun and shined like anyone else and the most important you keep shinning and inspiring people everyone wants to be you, l want to be you, my friend does too and so does my Mother sister I being working really hard to not finish like you did And l also got invited to start where you finished, a good friend of my Mr. Ratner a movie producer want so badly make a short movie of you and for some silly reason he believes l could play you, isn’t wonderful!? OMG! I’m already sooo happy for being invited, but honestly I don’t think it will happen sense your people, the ones who takes care of your name and making big money of it are really difficult but who cares just the thought its already contagious l’m not going to say rest in peace, or something like that, but to stay here strong, pretty and absolutely unique as only you have the power to do, see you soon;)

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