Monday, March 19, 2012


In life you have two choices, one seat and cry and the other move on and have one of the best times in your life. Whatever happens is your decision in how to live your life, myself l would say learning everyday with stupid mistakes, but never ever seat and cry. There’s no time for that! You live, learn and you go* Go have fun, be Fashion, happy, enjoy your true friends, live without drama. This St Patrick’s day l made a decision to go out and have the best time of my life and l did, my sister Uli and l diced to dress up like with the luck, charm, unique dress. We had a blast even the band called us to come up on stage to sing Mr. Brightside by The Killers  it was incredible!!! Imagine more than 500 people watching us, the energy amazing!!When we putted your drink up doing the Cheers, l couldn’t believe all those people scramming cheers to us, can’t explain the feeling of having soo much  attention in one only night. The thing is that Uli and l wasn’t looking for anything like that, but fun to enjoy your little cute dress, to forget the drama around and go with the flow, because as l said before that’s what fashion is about, to be yourself, to enjoy the moment and make the best of it* Cheers!!!

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