Wednesday, February 15, 2012


OMG!! My heart it’s broke right now, today we lost a Dear friend Who inspired many people with her incredible energy and full of life. I’m talking about the brilliant Zelda Kaplan l had the pleasure for meeting her couple years ago through the designer Grace Edwards. Grace was really close to Zelda, and was always telling me; Juliana you have to come to NY and meet Zelda, she’s incredible! So l did, first time l met her was at the Griffin night club I found wonderful Zelda with 93 (back that time) out and about! Her presence was contagious, everyone wanted to talk , touch , and take pictures with her and Zelda smiling, happy. Last time l saw her was also in NY at Graces Edwards Fashion Show, so Grace putted me to seat next to Zelda, so l said; Hello Zelda and she said; hello beautiful Brazilian girl from Miami. I was in shock even said OMG! Do you remember me!?And she with her 95 years old did remind about me, it was amazing. Then Of-course l had to ask her, what was her secret and she said; l eat health, do my exercise very morning and my darling I’m happy every day, no matter what, I’m happy  she also told me to never believe in any Men, cause they are all liars hahahah awwww Zelda died today at the Lincoln Center, on a front row at the Joanna Mastroianni fashion show, doing what she loved most and enjoyed in her whole FABULOUS life*Fashion* We will always love you Zelda*

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