Sunday, December 11, 2011


I always wanted to post about in how happy my blog makes me,l mean it`s amazing in how it changes my mood,such bless be able to touch people`s lives l get so many sweet messages,people from everywhere in the world:)it`s crazy!!!So last September in NYC l had many opportunities of meeting people in the fashion industry,from FNO TO NYFW,and one of those nights l got invited to go to the BLOGGER`S NIGHT OUT,an excited event where all the bloggers got together for a fashionable night
l couldn't believe,when l got there,all those super fashion girls,with their unique appeal it was a dream,one more dream coming true.l said that because..woww you can tell your not the only girl crazy for fashion online lol it`s amazing see that each girl has something to talk about it,to share to express thyself`s.During NYFW l heard something like "AWWW being a blogger is uncool,only the greats one will survive"...WELL lovers that mean we will be here forever!?;) there's nothing uncool in this world!Do whatever makes you happy without worry or think about what people will say.That`s being the coolest,fashion,in VOGUE,fun,Material girl;) Cheers to all fashion bloggers!!!

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