Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Gossip from my Dear Eric Silver,now Anna Wintour is still quietly but persuasively campaigning to land the new Duchess of Cambridge, KATE MIDDLETON,for the cover of US Vogue.Eric says that Wintour has been appealing to famed photographer MARIO TESTINO,a close friend of the British royals,to reach out the elegant newlywed to shoot her for the fashion Bible.Eric also says that "Every magazine has been trying to get Kate,and many assume it will eventually,be VOGUE,but they are not clear when this happen,also the Palace must approve it,and they are very protective of Kate"Well you can`t say no to that face,we just want a Royal Salute from Kate,special for VOGUE US..Anna Wintour,we know that YES YOU CAN;)

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