Dear Lovers,
l Have 1000 reason for Smile,l`m AMAZED!!
Well First Cheers to my Freedom;))))))))))
My Best Friend Forever Ana Paula Lima,is Coming
From Brazil to spend some time with me:)))))
Helloooooooo Miami are you Ready!???yeahhh
We will have Lots of fun,l can tell!!!!
Ah The Other Reason its my Strong Connection
With London Fashion Institute**you know anything
About Fashion l`m totally IN!!l Love more then
Anything,The Other Amazing News,that Fashion On Rock
Got 3,895 Pageviews last month...OMG!!!!!l still
Can`t believe,its Wonderful!!!Thank you!!
l've told Mum,that l thought, anyone was
Looking at my Crazy Ideas lol Wowwwwww
Thank you Very Much!!!You Can`t even Imagine
How Amazed l`m right now;)