Wish l could Trick or treat at the Madison Avenue
In NY at this Halloween,imagine going up and down
At the most Fashionable street in the World Hummmmm;)
Well but,l`m gonna be in Florida,rocking my CLEOPATRA
Costume,and l just can`t wait for tomorrow,will be an
Amazing Night.when my Dear John Galliano designed the
Fall/Winter 2010 collection,l was like;that`s it!!!!
this year l`m gonna be Cleopatra,the Queen absolutely
Sexy,Strong,powerful women Eva!and thats what l felt
When l saw,this terrific show of Galliano.l've got a
Felling that, is gonna be the best Halloween l have
Ever had.after enjoying been "Madonna"Last night,now its
Time to Shine as ** Cleopatra** Happy Halloween Lovers
Enjoy whatever you do.