Hello Lovers!!! Guess Who Is Almost In F-L-O-R-I-D-A?? ME lol l Still at the Airplane.l couldn't wait To Post! l had a BEAUTIFUL Time In L.A,l Felt Love,and Happiness :D Life Is Beautiful!!
Before l Fall Sleep l Wanted To Say::::: ::::::::l MISS you!:::::::: I`m Gonna Need couple Days To rest;S But Should Be Posting In My Blog Soon!! LOVE Juliana;)
Amores, l Had The most, Funniest Night ever!it was my Family Picture Day.l said Funny cause, the Photography was Crazy l Couldn't Look at my House Mom...we Couldn't stop laugh All The kids Joe all The situation was soooo much Fun!! Than Later we were at Royal Palm for Dinner and we Had to wait for 1hr for your Dinner lol hahahah What a Night!! But We Really Enjoyed All The Crazy Moment hahaha;)
Anyway Is Time, For the Good Time. Forget All The Bad Time(Holiday Madonna)l`m Ready For My Excited Trip.l have One suitcase for my Clothes Other for Shoes,and One More just For Bags&Hats CAN YOU IMAGINE!? l Don`t Know what I`m thinking hahha So l`m gonna Be Every Where in C.A .This Weekend We Girls Are Driving To San Diego,and we also are Planing to dress up Like RockStar..and l Promise to take Pics and make some videos hahah it I`ll be sooo Much Fun! Like l Said is My Cousin`s Birthday so we Got To ((CELEBRATE))For The rest of the week l have do Idea what we are doing...But l`m Totally IN,For Whatever Nessa Wanna`s To Do!!!l`m Really Happy:D
Wanted to Wish you All a HAPPY THANKSGIVING:) BE THANKFUL AND HAPPY! I`ll See you Guy`s Soon!Stay Cool!! LOVE Juliana
Lovers, JUJU is All PACKED lol if you see a Crazy LADY With 1 Million suitcase In L.A Airport...is ME lol Be hold l`m not going YET. l come back to say Bye ;) Let me PACK a Little Be more hahahah(l`m kidding Nessa) Cheers!! JUJU
Dear Lover`s, l was just, talking about with My Friend Anna About the Movie "How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days" is funny yeahh we all Know that.But Sometimes Can Happen....So l`m gonna Share How To Lose a Guy in 5 Days Unfortunately l Did,and l`m Very Sorry for That.so l I`ll tell you what Not To Do
1 Never Ever go Visit Him In Your PMS
2 If He Doesn't Call You, in 3 Days Do Not Call Or Txt Him asking what`s going on
3 Don`t Get Crazy, following Him FaceBook Page Trying To find out Something
4 Don`t DELETE Him,as your Friend On FaceBook hahahahah
5 Don`t Call he`s Friend Bitch (I've you know she IS)
6 Don`t Lose him if he`s a Nice Guy!
Well.....l never had this situation Before.l Don`t Know Why l Did This,But l Still Believe That Everything Happen For Some Reason. And All l Wanna Now is:Have Fun,Do my Fashion School And Than maybe later try it again. NAMASTE JUJU
Lovers, l Been Very Weird Today...Very Romantic lol And l`m Not I've in Love..Anyway hahahah l`m very Tired Always when l go Travel, l get crazy with all the things And l start to get Hyper,Excited about it! OMG!! l Can`t wait to Hug my cousin`s.L.A is(BETTER) Be Ready for me,cause l`m Bringing my best Energy. Namaste JUJU
Fashion on Rock started five years ago by Juliana Marques. As a way of sharing her views and thoughts about style, music, movies, art and of-course fashion. Since her childhood Juliana has been involved with fashion and music through her family ties,from watching her grandmother making dresses in her home Atelier, and also listing to her grandfather playing the piano, that's how she connect Fashion and Music in all her posts, finding a way to make it more fun to read.Fashion on Rock has grow as a source of information thought time.Fashion on Rock.com is to be a source of inspiration for other Fashion and Music Lovers ;)
“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”“ Coco Chanel